CBD Coffee

24mg per serving

This whole-bean CBD Coffee comes to us courtesy of our friends over at Sunset Lake CBD. Made right here in Vermont, these dark-roasted beans are infused with full-spectrum CBD and a great way to jumpstart your day without any caffeine jitters.

This product is not intoxicating, but that doesn’t make it any less lovely. Everyone here at Lake Effect loves a cup of Farmer’s Roast CBD Coffee.


Sunset Lake CBD’s Farmer’s Roast CBD Coffee is a whole-bean product, meaning that you’ll want to have a coffee grinder on hand before you buy this product.

The suggested serving size is 12 grams of whole beans per cup of coffee. For an optimal brew, it’s recommended that you use a brewing method with metal mesh coffee filters such as a French press or reusable K-cup. Some paper filters will end up filtering out the CBD.

Test Results

CBD Coffee


This CBD Coffee comes in a resealable bag and has a shelf life of 4-6 months after roasting.

To ensure the longevity and quality of your CBD Coffee, its recommended you keep your beans sealed in bag in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

This product does not contain a total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that exceeds 0.3% on a dry-weight basis.

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