A glorious sungrown bud of Barnyard with dark and light green hues grown by Sunset Lake Cannabis.
Hybrid Terp: 3.20% TAC: 27.37% THC: 20.99% CBD: 0.23% CBG: 2.56%


Sunset Lake Cannabis

  • Happy
  • Relaxed
  • Caryophyllene

  • Myrcene

  • Terpinolene

ChemD S1 X AVL by GTR Seed

A true crowd pleaser! Barnyard is great for happy hour – perfect for when you clock out. On the way up it’s clear-headed followed by a subtle headband effect as things start to get a little less serious. A touch on the stony side, Barnyard is a great choice for transitioning from the afternoon into the evening. It’s as if Barnyard revs you up a notch and then gently slows things down to a calmer, more relaxed pace. You won’t be zonked out, but you’ll probably have a smile on your face the whole time. Barnyard can also take you to Munchie Town, so be sure to have your favorite snacks nearby.

Sunset Lake Cannabis Barnyard is available in the following products:

  • Flower
  • BTV Blunts
  • Green Mountain Grind


  • Happy
  • Relaxed

Top Terpenes

  • Caryophyllene

  • Myrcene

  • Terpinolene

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